Mappy Intelligence Documentation

Everything you need to know to make the most of Mappy Intelligence

1. Data Management

Importing Data

Mappy analyzes Excel (.xlsx) files where each row represents a course and its competency coverage:

  • Select Open File from the sidebar to import your Excel file
  • Any non-empty text in a competency cell represents coverage and serves as justification text
  • For optimal visualization, include course codes in the first column
  • Mappy will automatically load template.xlsx on startup, if available

Saving Changes

After modifying competency justifications:

  • Select Save File to preserve your modifications for future sessions
  • Choose from Excel (.xlsx), JSON (.json), or CSV (.csv) formats for your data
  • Your data will be exported with all changes included

Data Structure

For optimal results, structure your data as follows:

  • First column: Course codes or unique identifiers
  • Second column: Course names or descriptions
  • Subsequent columns: One column per competency
  • Header row: Competency names or codes
  • Cell content: Justification text explaining how the course addresses the competency

2. Visualization Options

Radar Plots

Radar plots provide a comprehensive view of competency coverage for individual courses:

  • Select a course from the dropdown to visualize its competency coverage
  • Hover over radar points to see detailed justification text
  • Toggle between absolute values and normalized percentages
  • Compare multiple courses by enabling the "Multi-course comparison" option


Heatmaps offer a bird's-eye view of competency coverage across all courses:

  • Binary Heatmap: Shows presence or absence of each competency
  • Intensity Heatmap: Displays the strength of coverage based on justification length
  • Click on any cell to view the full justification text
  • Sort courses by program sequence for progression analysis

Customizing Visualizations

Tailor visualizations to your specific needs:

  • Adjust color schemes in the Settings panel
  • Filter by competency groups or individual competencies
  • Zoom in/out on complex visualizations
  • Toggle labels and legends for cleaner presentations

3. Analysis Tools

Gap Analysis

Identify gaps in your curriculum coverage:

  • The Curriculum Report highlights competencies with low or no coverage
  • Set coverage thresholds in Settings to customize what constitutes a "gap"
  • Filter by program year to identify progression issues

Redundancy Detection

Optimize your curriculum by identifying redundant coverage:

  • The Overlap Report shows competencies covered by multiple courses
  • View courses with similar coverage patterns
  • Use this information to streamline curriculum design

Progression Analysis

Ensure competencies develop appropriately throughout a program:

  • Arrange courses in sequence to visualize competency progression
  • Identify competencies that are introduced but not reinforced
  • Track development from introductory to mastery levels

4. Exporting Results

Visualization Export

Share your visualizations with stakeholders:

  • Use the Export Image button to save plots as PNG, JPG, or SVG
  • Copy to clipboard for easy pasting into presentations
  • Export multiple visualizations at once using the batch export option

Reports Generation

Create comprehensive reports for accreditation or review:

  • Generate a complete Curriculum Report with all visualizations and analysis
  • Export to PDF or HTML formats
  • Customize reports to include only selected sections

Data Export

Export your processed data for use in other tools:

  • Save in Excel, CSV, or JSON formats
  • Export summary statistics for further analysis
  • Generate data tables that can be imported into other visualization tools

5. Settings & Preferences

Appearance Settings

Customize the application's look and feel:

  • Choose between light and dark themes
  • Select from predefined color palettes or create your own
  • Adjust font sizes for better readability
  • Configure default chart dimensions

Data Preferences

Configure how Mappy processes your data:

  • Set default import/export formats
  • Configure column mappings for non-standard data
  • Define competency groupings for organizational purposes
  • Set threshold values for gap analysis

Application Behavior

Control how the application works:

  • Enable/disable auto-save functionality
  • Configure startup behavior
  • Set default visualization types
  • Manage recent files list

6. Keyboard Shortcuts

File Operations

Ctrl + O Open File
Ctrl + S Save File
Ctrl + Shift + S Save As...
Ctrl + E Export Current View


Ctrl + 1 to 5 Switch between visualization tabs
Ctrl + Tab Next tab
Ctrl + Shift + Tab Previous tab
F11 Toggle fullscreen mode


Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + Y Redo
Ctrl + F Find in justifications
F2 Edit selected cell